Recommended Star Party Dates 2015-16

September - Warm nights. Often some clouds early in September.

Recommended dates - September 1-4, 7-11, 14-17, 29-30
Recommended start time - 8:00 pm

- viewing opportunities

Mercury (early September)
Crescent Moon (September 14-17)
Nebulae and Star Clusters in the Summer Milky Way (from darker parts of town)
Ring Nebula
Albireo (neat pair of stars with dramatic colors)
M13 - Globular Cluster in Hercules

Note: Total Lunar Eclipse on the evening of September 27 (Sunday)

October - Comfortable nights. Usually excellent viewing!

Recommended dates - October 1, 5-8, 12-15, 18, 28-29
Recommended start time - 7:30 pm

- viewing opportunities

Crescent Moon (October 14-18)
Nebulae and Star Clusters in the Summer Milky Way (from darker parts of town)
Andromeda Galaxy
Albireo (neat pair of stars with dramatic colors)
Ring Nebula
M13 - Globular Cluster in Hercules

November (a bit cooler, but still a good month). Daylight savings time ends 11/1, so viewing can begin as early as 6 pm.

Recommended dates - November 2-5, 9-12, 15-18, 30
Recommended start time - 6:00 pm (Mountain Standard Time!)

- viewing opportunities

Leonids meteor shower 11/17 (nice from a darker part of town)
Crescent Moon (November 15-18)
Uranus & Neptune
Two planetary nebulas (ring nebula and dumbbell nebula)
Several Globular Clusters
Several bright open star clusters including the Perseus Double Cluster
The Pleiades (star cluster)
Orion Nebula (after 8 pm late in month)
Andromeda Galaxy
A few Summer Milky Way Nebulae (early in the evening)
Albireo (neat pair of stars with dramatic colors)

December (can be cold, but cold in New Mexico isn't the same as cold in Wisconsin). Have your PTO sell hot chocolate.

Recommended dates - December 1-3, 7-10, 14-17
Recommended start time - 5:45 pm

- viewing opportunities

Crescent Moon (December 14-17)
Uranus & Neptune
Two planetary nebulas (ring nebula and dumbbell nebula)
A few Globular Clusters
Several bright open star clusters including the Perseus Double Cluster
The Pleiades (star cluster)
Orion Nebula (after 8 pm early in month, 7 pm mid-month)
Andromeda Galaxy

January (can be cold, bundle up!). Have your PTO sell hot chocolate.

Recommended dates - January 4-7, 11-14, 1-15, 25-28
Recommended start time - 6:15 pm

- viewing opportunities

Crescent Moon (January 11-14)
Mercury (early January)
A couple of Globular Clusters
Several bright open star clusters including the Perseus Double Cluster
The Pleiades (star cluster)
Orion Nebula
Andromeda Galaxy
M81 and M81 (galaxy pair)

February (slightly warmer than January, but still need to bring a warm coat). Have your PTO sell hot chocolate. Usually a busy month - book early!

Recommended dates - February 1-4, 8-11, 24-26, 29
Recommended start time - 6:45 pm

- viewing opportunities

Crescent Moon (February 9-11)
Uranus (early in month)
Jupiter (late in month, after 8:30 pm)
Several bright open star clusters including the Perseus Double Cluster
The Pleiades (star cluster)
Orion Nebula
Andromeda Galaxy
M81 and M81 (galaxy pair)

March (cool, can be breezy). Daylight savings time begins March 13th. Usually a busy month - book early!

Recommended dates - March 1-3, 7-10, 14, 24, 28-31
Recommended start time - 7:00 pm before 3/12; 8:15 pm after 3/13

- viewing opportunities

Crescent Moon (3/10, 3/14)
Jupiter (after 8 pm)
Several bright open star clusters including the Perseus Double Cluster
The Pleiades (star cluster)
Orion Nebula
Andromeda Galaxy
M81 and M81 (galaxy pair)

April (comfortable, can be breezy).

Recommended dates - March 4-7, 11-12, 25-28
Recommended start time - 8:30 pm

- viewing opportunities

Crescent Moon (4/11-12)
Several bright open star clusters including the Perseus Double Cluster
The Pleiades (star cluster)
Orion Nebula
Andromeda Galaxy
M81 and M81 (galaxy pair)
Several moderately bright galaxies (Spring is 'Galaxy Season'). Only viewable from darker locations in town.