White Sands National Park

Outreach home

The GPS coordinates: 32° 48' 43" N and 106° 15' 56" W. For possible entry into your nav device: 32.81194 -106.26556

From Las Cruces take Hwy 70 to mile marker 199 after the border patrol checkpoint. Take the next left turn. Take Dunes Drive to the destination. It's a zone about 7 miles into the park, shortly after the back-country camping loop trail head.

Here is the location on Google Maps.

The February 27, 2025 event is from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. Sunset is 5:56 pm. The park entrance fee is $25 unless you have a park pass. You will need a reservation and they are limited to 150. Follow White Sands National Park on social media to learn how to register. Registration is expected to start around February 16th. Click here for their Facebook. Click here for their posting about the event.

The registration of 150 persons is complete and there is no waitlist. Click here to see the announcement.

For ASLC members bringing a telescope you need to arrive by 5:30 pm.