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A Small Collection of (often bad) Space-Related Humor
• I checked out a book on anti-gravity. I can’t put it down.
• I thought about putting an observatory in my house, but the cost was astronomical.
• Last week I attended a lecture on Halley’s Comet. It went completely over my head.
• I’m so disappointed. I keep pressing the space bar on my keyboard, but I’m still on Earth
• Why did the restaurant on the moon fail? It had no atmosphere.
• How do you keep your pants up in space? With an asteroid belt.
• What do you say to a three-headed alien? Hello. Hello. Hello.
• Why did Neptune break up with Uranus? They wanted a Plutonic relationship.
• Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
• Why isn’t there a restaurant on the moon? Because there’s no atmosphere!
• Why do space rock taste better? ... because they're meteor
• How does the man in the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it!
• Before docking with the International Space Station, what must the pilot of a space module first do? Put money in a parking meteor
• When is a cosmonaut's favorite time to eat? "Launch time."
• I was up all night wondering where the Sun had gone; ... then it dawned on me.
• How do astronomers organize a party? They planet.
• What's the best EDU in the Solar System? The Sun - millions of degrees.
• What kind of stars wear sunglasses? Movie stars
• Why did the star get arrested? Because it was a shooting star!
• How do you get a baby astronaut to go to sleep? Rocket!
• What's NASA's favorite music streaming service? Neptunes!
• Why couldn't the Moon get a loan? It was down to it's last quarter
• How does a person show support for astronomy? They click the 👍 on SpaceBook.
• Why did the Apollo 13 astronauts really abort the Moon landing? The Moon was full!
• What will be the mission of Space Patrol? To police parking meteors!
• Why should people be more environmentally aware? Because Earth isn't Uranus!
• A Few Space Pick-up Lines
- Want to go on a date in outer space? No pressure.
- Are we on Venus, or are you just super hot?
- Are you the sun? Because my world revolves around you

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