
“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.”
Babe Ruth

M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula (J. Johnson)
Club Bulletin ('The HDO')


Observing Basics

Sharing the Universe

   Quick Links

Join the ASLC!

Visitor PackageASLC Visitors Information Packet

Whether you're new to astronomy or a seasoned veteran, the ASLC Visitors Info Packet is an informative guide to experiencing amateur astronomy in Southern New Mexico. The guide contains information regarding meetings, public viewings, viewing locations, club publications and more. Click here or the image on the right to download the packet (pdf format, 1.6 Mb). The packet includes a membership application.

New Member Application

When you're ready to join us, simply download a club membership application and mail it to the Club Treasurer (along with appropriate registration fees). Click here to download an application. You can also bring it to one of our monthly meetings. Club dues as of July 1, 2021 are $36 per year (individual) and $42 per year (family).

Once You've Joined Our Club, Consider Joining Our Discussion Groups

The club has two active discussion groups and a private group for the board of directors. The first, 'aslcnm', is for general club activities and announcements. The second, 'ASLC_Imagers', is primarily for the club's astrophotographers to discuss techniques, problems, equipment, software, etcetera. No SPAM or flaming, please. The imagers list has frequent attachments of astrophotos. Links to astrophotos may be submitted to the aslcnm group, but we discourage large attachments in that group. To join one or both groups, just click the respective link below. Memberships are usually activated within a day (unless the respective moderator is away). If you've attempted to join a group, but haven't received a note indicating acceptance, please contact the Club President.

To join the ASLC Main Discussion Group, please click here

To join the ASLC Imagers Group, please click here




Last Update: 2 March, 2025 22:50