
"It is clear to everyone that astronomy at all events compels the soul to look upwards, and draws it from the things of this world to the other."
- Plato

Abell 21 (J. Kutney)
Club Bulletin ('The HDO')

Star Party Info

General Astronomy Links

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Bringing Astronomy Instruction to your Class or Group

ASLC instructor at a local schoolThe demands on our teaching professionals are immense. Getting students to read, learn math, history, spelling... the list is seemingly endless. When it comes to teaching Space Science, ASLC's astronomers can help.

Through its experience of supporting local teachers thru Project Astro and NASA's Night Sky Network, ASLC has developed numerous resources for demonstrating various facets of astronomy basics. We have lenses, mirrors and telescopes of nearly every type to help explain optics and telescope design. Some members have experience teaching classes up to beginning college level. We have access to sophisticated software that can help to demonstrate planetary motions in a way that no textbook or static display can achieve. The scientific nature of astronomy can stimulate interest in other fields such as mathematics and the physical sciences. Coupled with a star party, these presentations, observations and interactive exercises can create a very strong and interdisciplinary learning environment.

Our volunteers can teach according to the New Mexico Next-Generation Standards (see them here), or we can provide higher level instruction for classes desiring to expand on their knowledge of astronomy basics.

For scouts, ASLC offers age-appropriate instruction toward completion of astronomy 'merit badges', 'try-its', etcetera.

In order to request a visit by one of our astronomers, please contact the club's educational director at

Additional resources may be found at our General Astronomy Links page. There are interactive sky and solar system maps and simulations, information about solar and lunar eclipses, a glossary of astronomical terms, and lots more. Be sure to check it out!




Last Update: 4 March, 2025 7:00