
"For I am not so enamoured of my own opinions that I disregard what others may think of them."
Nicolaus Copernicus

M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy (Dr. Dave)
Club Bulletin ('The HDO')

Member Websites

Equipment Suppliers

Astronomy Links

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A variety of links to member sites, equipment manufacturer/distributor, and general astronomy information may be found on these pages. Below are links to our members' websites. Click the buttons on the left for lists of links to equipment vendors or general astronomy information. Please report any dead links to the webslave.

ASLC Member Websites

Several ASLC members maintain their own web sites in which they display astrophotos, minor planet discoveries, and even astronomy-related software. Clicking on an icon/heading will take you to the respective website.


Steve Barkes is the developer of the once widely popular GuideDog autoguiding software. Learn about this and other astrophoto-related software at Steve's website.

Desert Moon

Bert and Janet Stevens have been hunting minor planets for over seven years and have recorded over 10,000 observations to the Minor Planet Center.

Enchanted Skies

Rich Richins has been doing astrophotography since 2003. He did DSLR imaging primarily until around 2015 when he added a CCD. He images thru a C11 and Stellarview 115 in addition to doing a lot of wide field (50-300mm) imaging with his modified Canon DSLR.

Astronomy by Jeffrey O. Johnson

Jeff's been doing CCD astrophotography since 2006. He has a couple of Taks and does beautiful imaging. Jeff also has an impressive list of published images.

Dave Doctor's Astronomy Site

Dr. Dave has been an amateur astronomer and imager for over 40 years. He does spectroscopy in addition to astrophotography. He's got observatories in Talavera (just East of Las Cruces) and in Mayhill (Sacramento Mountains about 2 hours east of Las Cruces).


Whiskey Creek Observatory

Kent DeGroff's operates Whiskey Creek Observatory - a remotely controlled observatory in Arenas Valley, NM. The observatory sits at 6500 ft and houses a 457mm Newtonian Whiskey Creek Observatory Site. Click on the logo to access Kent's flickr site.





Last Update: 2 March, 2025 22:18