
"The contemplation of celestial things will make a man both speak and think more sublimely and magnificently when he descends to human affairs."
- Cicero

Thor's Helmet (M. Sherick)
Club Bulletin ('The HDO')

Telescope Basics

Observing Basics

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  New To Astronomy??

North American NebulaSo was every other member of the club at some time. But if you have a desire to learn more about the cosmos, and about the tools and techniques used by amateur astronomers, then you're in the right place. There are numerous individuals and resources in our club who can give you a great start on your path to better understanding and appreciating astronomy.

Amateur astronomy can be a very rewarding hobby or even a scientific endeavor. There are individuals in the club who enjoy observing or imaging the heavens. Others collect scientific data on minor planets, variable stars, and/or do occultation timing to assist in the determination of the size and shape of asteroids. Whether you decide to take photos or collect scientific data, there are club members that can assist you. We occasionally offer multi-week beginning astronomy courses, as well as special "beginner's corners" at our monthly meetings. There are also occasional special clinics on topics such as imaging and telescope making.

The Sombrero GalaxyBefore you rush out and buy a telescope, please take a look at the information in our Telescope Basics section. You could save lots of money and frustration by heeding the advice on those pages. If you're new to the art of observing, see the Observing Basics page. It can help you to see the unseeable, and get a lot more out of your new hobby.

If you've already acquired a new telescope and need a little help operating it, we invite you to bring your scope to our monthly MoonGaze. There are usually astronomers there (weather permitting) that can assist you. Check the calendar for the dates of upcoming MoonGazes.

Dark Skies!




Last Update: 3 March, 2025 6:38