
"To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge."
Nicolaus Copernicus

2024 Solar Eclipse Viewing
Club Bulletin ('The HDO')


Observing Opportunities

Special Events

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Club Activities

The ASLC has on-going observing, education and public outreach programs. We host a public Moongaze and DarkSky observing session each month, offer education opporunities and support countless star parties for local schools, scouts and various organizations. In addition, we hold a meeting each month featuring a presentation by one of our members or an invited guest. ASLC members support clinics to help new telescope owners learn how to use their equipment.

For individuals who don’t yet have equipment, we offer a loaner telescope program and occasionally do workishops on telescope making. Many of our amateur members go beyond observing and imaging, and collect scientific data on minor planets and variable stars. The opportunities are as endless as the stars.

ASLC's Monthly MeetingDirection to Mesilla Valley Radio Club Shack

ASLC currently convenes at the Mesilla Valley Radio Club's 'Shack' (6609 Jefferson Ln. Las Cruces). To get there, take US-70 east from central Las Cruces (toward the Organ Mountains). Exit at the Porter Dr. exit and turn right (south) onto Porter Dr. Stay on Porter Dr. for about half a mile then turn left (east) onto Jefferson Ln. The shack is about half a mile down Jefferson Ln. on the left. Ample parking is available.

At the meetings, we discuss recent and upcoming projects, share our experiences and adventures, and sometimes show off new projects or purchases. The meetings begin at 7:00 pm. Our Clyde Tombaugh Lecture Series guest speaker usually speaks at the beginning of the meeting. That is followed by announcements, committee reports, etcetera. A visit to a local pub following the meeting is a definite possibility. Meetings are usually held on on the fourth Friday of the month (except for November due to Thanksgiving and December when we hold our holiday party). Check our the ASLC Home Page for the latest news.

The club will continue to share meetings via ZOOM and recording/archiving Clyde Tombaugh Lecture Series guest presentations. For upcoming ZOOM meeting info and links please refer to the ASLC home page. To access recorded presentations, please click here.

Clicking on the image to the right will open up a larger version.

ASLC's MoonGaze

Bay of Rainbows thru the eyepieceIt's an awe-inspiring experience to look at celestial objects through a nice telescope for the first time. So each month on Saturday evenings closest to the first quarter Moon, ASLC conducts a free public viewing of the Moon and any bright planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) that are visible that evening.

Weather permitting, club astronomers will offer views through their telescopes and talk about the target, the telescope, and most anything (space-related) that our visitors wish to discuss. The astronomer may even allow you to try your hand at astrophotography (the image of the Bay of Rainbows on the left was taken with an iPhone SE through a telescope's eyepiece)

The club conducts these 'Sidewalk Astronomy' sessions in a variety of popular locations around town including the Downtown Plaza, and the Telshor 12 Cinemas. Be sure to check the ASLC home page for the upcoming Moongaze date and location.

M13 thru the eyepieceDarkSky Observing (DSO) at Leasburg Dam State Park

New Mexico has some world class dark skies that draw visitors from around the world. You can get a taste for dark sky observing by attending one of our Dark Sky Observing sessions. We conduct these sessions each month at Leasburg Dam State Park - located about 15 miles north of Las Cruces.

The club operates a roll-off observatory at the park that houses a 16" LX200 telescope (made available by the Astronomy Department of New Mexico State University). Member-astronomers also bring their own telescopes to enhance the viewing experience. Occasionally, there is a presentation prior to the observing session.

The sessions are held near the 3rd quarter moon so that we can observe 'dim fuzzies' like globular cluster M13 (shown right) without interferring moonlight. Be sure to check the ASLC home page or the calendar page for next DSO date.

Star Parties (outreach)

Telescope ClinicOne of the joys of doing amateur astronomy is sharing the wonders of night sky with our community. We have an active outreach program that seeks to pair astronomers and their telescopes with schools/organizations that want that experience.

We do several school star parties each academic year - primarily for schools in the greater Las Cruces area and between early November and early March (when standard time is in effect). We'll also bring our scopes out for scouting or church events as well as to local museums, State Parks and National Monuments.

A variety of options are available including evening star parties, daytime solar viewing, in-class talks/demonstrations, and Try-It or Merit Badge counselling. Contact Steve Wood (our Outreach Coordinator) to schedule your star party or to volunteer for an upcoming event.

All of our outreach volunteers have had all of their COVID-19 vaccinations.

Star Parties (camping)

Star PartyThe best dark skies are out in the country - away from city light domes. Several club members get together and tent or RV camp at a variety of dark sky locations in the area. There's often a trip around April/May and another in September/October. The night sky views are unparalleled, and it's a great way to really get to know your fellow club-mates. Imagers and observers are welcome.

The Middle Field at the Texas Star PartyOne of the highlights of each camping outing is our Si Señor (group) meal. It's inspired by the sauce at a local restaurant. A club member will haul the sauce from Las Cruces to the camp site and we'll enjoy it with our meal (usually chicken enchiladas with all of the sides). It's been a tradition of ours for at least 15 years. A side-trip to a local golf course is also a popular tradition.

Popular camping venues among club-members include: Rusty's RV (near Rodeo, NM), The Cosmic Campground (near Glenwood, NM), Okie-Tex Star Party (near Kenton, OK), and the Texas Star Party (near Fort Davis, TX). Leasburg Dam SP is a more local camping option.





Last Update: 3 March, 2025 6:28