
"I don't know what you could say about a day in which you have seen four beautiful sunsets."
John Glenn

Helix Nebula (M. Sherick)
Club Bulletin ('The HDO')

Member Websites

Equipment Suppliers

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Selected Links to Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers

Please note that ASLC does not advocate for (or profit from) any particular manufacturer. Please also note that this information is by no means complete. Do your homework before investing your money. We highly recommend speaking with our astronomers, and looking through various telescopes before you decide. Visiting our monthly MoonGaze is a great way to look through a number of scopes and get your questions about scope designs and options addressed. Please report any dead links to the webslave.

Telescope and Accessory Manufacturers

Astro-Physics, Inc. - developing telescopes and accessories for the advanced amateur since 1975.

Celestron Telescopes - leading designer, manufacturer and importer of high-quality optical products.

Daystar Filters - the industry standard in narrow bandpass astronomical solar filters.

Hutech/Borg - featuring premium astronomical equipment and accessories.

Losmandy - precision equitorial mounts and secondary systems.

Lumicon - offers an extensive line of astronomical filters and astronomical accessories.

Software Bisque - producers of the Paramount (mount), and various accessories and software packages.

Stellarvue - Specializes in hand crafted refractors and apochromatic refractors. Offers telescope mounts and tripods, spotting scopes plus a variety of accessories.

Televue - specialists in the manufacture of refractor telescopes and eyepieces.

TMB Optical - designing optical systems for the amateur and professional market since 1990.

Vixen Optics - premium quality telescopes, mounts, binoculars, and spotting scopes.

Equipment Reviews - Beginner's advice and articles, and telescope, eyepiece and accessory reviews.

Cloudy - Objective reviews for equipment and accessories submitted by astronomers, articles, classifieds, and forums.


Oceanside Photo and Telescope - Astronomy Telescopes from Meade, Celestron, Tele Vue, Takahashi, Accessories and eyepieces, CCD Imaging cameras from SBIG.

Starizona - Offering online shopping for telescopes, binoculars, software, books, and star guides for astronomy

Astro-Mart - is a leading portal for astronomy news, classified ads and telescope reviews.

AstroClassifieds - an excellent new website featuring astronomy equipment classifieds, forums, image galleries and much more!

Astronomics Astronomy Equipment - Telescope accessories store, selling brands like Meade Telescopes, Celestron Telescopes, Questar Telescopes, Vixen Telescopes, Discovery Telescopes, ...




Last Update: 3 March, 2025 22:20