
"The diversity of the phenomena of nature is so great, and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich, precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment."
- Johannes Kepler

Proposed ASLC Observatory at Leasburg Dam State Park (Jerry Gaber and Rich Richins)
Club Bulletin ('The HDO')

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The Walter H. Haas Observatory at Leasburg Dam State Park


In the early Spring of 2007, the NMSU Astronomy Department notified ASLC that a Meade 16" LX200 was available for loan if we could find a good home for it. After some months of deliberating various proposals, the club voted to investigate the possibility of building an observatory housing the telescope at Leasburg Dam State Park. It was felt that park would offer a secure location, and the parks campers and daily visitors would give good outreach possibilities.

The park is a popular camping get-away. Hiking, fishing, and birdwatching are also popular pasttimes. It's located about 15 miles north of Las Cruces near the small town of Radium Springs. It's close enough for our community to easily utilize, and far enough from city lights to give impressive views of the night sky.


The ASLC/LDSP Observatory

Our Observatory


The ribbon cutting ceremony took place on April 20, 2013


After various reviews by the Park and the State, a roll-off observatory was approved and constructed. In addition to the LX200, a Williams Optics 110mm refractor was installed. A video or imaging camera can be employed to display real time images of objects currently being viewed through the larger (16") scope.

The park occasionally invites local musicians to play in the early evening followed by dark sky observing. Members of the club will occasionally do brief presentations as we wait for the sky to darken.

Public viewings occur most months on the Saturday evening closest to the third quarter Moon. Individuals wishing to visit the observatory should check the ASLC home page or the calendar page for next scheduled dark sky observing session at the observatory.

Our observatory guru (Dave Doctor, aka Astrodoc) did a nice blog about the most recent outreach effort at the park. Read it here.





The dark skies make the Walter Haas Observatory a good location for viewing and astroimaging. Club members may use the facility after receiving training on how to use the scope/mount. There's a warm room in the back - very pleasant during winter imaging sessions.

On February 11, 2023, the observatory was formally dedicated to Walter Haas, one the club's founders and well known for his founding of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO). Mary Alba, Walter's daughter, participated in the dedication ceremony.

A recent interview of Mary in which she talks about her father and the honor that was bestowed on him by the Astronomical Society of Las Cruces can be heard here.

Quick Start Guide for Walter Haas Observatory

This link is provided for club members who need to refer to instructions to open and operate the club's observatory at LDSP. Keys and alarm codes (required to open the building) are obviously not included.


Last Update: 2 March, 2025 22:34

Horsehead Nebula

As the sun sets, ASLC volunteers begin setting up additional telescopes adjacent to the observatory (photo: D.Doctor)

Last Update: 2 March, 2025 22:34